
Read more about the latest industry insights ranging from social value, technological, socio-economic and more.

Project – Apr 16, 2024

Social Value: The What, Why & How

An ability to create social value is of growing importance to companies in all sectors of our economy including construction. Government legislation in the form of the ‘Public Services (Social Value) Act (2013)’ i effectively mandates the provision of social value by organisations which are appointed to deliver public sector contracts, such as National Highways providing road infrastructure for the UK, while private sector companies are increasingly asking suppliers to evidence what social value they provide as part of their procurement and tender processes.

Project – Apr 30, 2024

Surface water run-off & pollution prevention

Pollution caused by surface water run-off from the UK’s road network, car parks and other surfaced areas is undoubtedly a major concern. The Environment Agency states that “highways drainage and urban diffuse pollution is a serious issue causing 18 percent of failures for water bodies in England under the Water Framework Directive”. In a move reflecting its concern about the issue, UNESCO is also backing a University of Brighton research project designed to reduce groundwater pollution from one of Brighton's busiest roads.

Project – Jan 20, 2025

The Highways Sector: Developments and Opportunities

The maintenance and expansion of Britain’s road network requires a staggering amount of ongoing investment with areas of focus largely determined by the road investment strategy (RIS) set out by the Government. As the period covering RIS2, the second Government road investment strategy, approaches its end with an Interim Settlement for National Highways set to begin on 1 April this year, we review what the likely shape of RIS3 will be and what the key issues being tackled by the sector are likely to mean for us and our merchant partners over the next five years.